Sunday, February 14, 2010

Art and My Life

Art engrosses all of my life. It is a part of everything that I do and am. I tend to see the beauty in everything and am inspired by so much around me. In this world of ugliness and dread, there is so much life and beauty. I love the endless possibilities of art and creativity in my life.

I find myself staring at advertisements, labels, movies, and ordinary objects thinking about all of the creativity and thought that went into creating them. It amazes me. I am sometimes overwhelmed and discouraged at the prospect of never being able to be as good as the next or create something as wonderful as the next. I too often ask myself, “Why didn’t I think of that?” or star at a famous art piece and think “ I could’ve done that!”.

I think that going to school for art has a huge impact on my life. In art school, one are constantly surrounded by artists who are very gifted. It is so inspiring to see other students’ work and to learn from each other. It is amazing how much talent lives in these students. Art school forces one to stay creative and work on art consistently. I find that if I am not in school, and if it is not required of me, it is easy to get lazy and not do what I love. One must work at growing their passion and it is not always fun.

I see almost everything that I do in life as art. I love to cook using beautiful, colorful, and fragrant fruits, vegetables and spices in different ways. I love decorating my home and making things beautiful. I love doing hair and makeup and all things fashion. I love gift-wrapping, event planning, and invitation making. Finally, I love painting, photography, graphic design and playing the piano. I consider all of these things important and fulfilling things in my life.

1 comment:

  1. questions for u:

    - how often do u go to museums and galleries in any given week?
    - how many times have u gone to an art opening reception since being a student at OU?
    - how many hours a day do u spend making art (that is not cooking, hair, decorating, or homework)? how many hours a week? how many hours a month?

    the last question is 'what can I easilydo to significantly incorporate art into my life?"
