I attended a photography seminar recently and discovered an amazing organization. The Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep organization is composed of a group of non-profit photographers that donate their time and talent to help those grieving the loss of a baby. I am truly moved by this organization. Please visit their website and make a donation.
NILMDTS was formed to help families deal with the loss of a baby. They provide a photographer, free of charge, to come to the hospital, and photograph very sick babies before and after their death. This may sound strange, but the pictures that are captured provide beautiful, lasting memories for the families. These photographs help families with the grieving and healing process.
Families who loose a baby often only have pictures of their sick baby that are traumatizing. One mother explained that the only pictures she had of her baby were ones with him covered in bruises, tubes, and medical tape. NILMDTS photographers capture the beauty of these infants in beautiful lighting and most often in black and white. The black and white photos of the babies show less discoloration of the skin and also match the solemn tone of the scene.
NILMDTS offers free training seminars for photographers who are interested. There is a huge need for photographer! It takes a very strong person to be able to give this gift and the photographers I know who do this just cry along with families during their photography session. I want to help this program grow and succeed because many families are turned away because of lack of photographers. I hope that I can get the nerve to do this.

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