Sunday, February 21, 2010
Western Speghetti
In most of the PES group’s work, they use ordinary objects in unexpected ways. I this particular short film, different household objects are used to simulate the cooking of a spaghetti dinner. The creators have such an incredible way of imitating the boiling of water using bubble wrap, slicing post-its like butter, and squishing pincushions like tomatoes. I love the way that they use multi-colored pick-up sticks as the dry spaghetti and how they turn to colored rubber bands when they are cooked. PES is so innovative.
It is so interesting to think of the exhaustive work that went into making this very short film. The process seems to be very similar to clay-mation work. It takes the compilation of so many progressive still shots to create the effect of smooth movement. The process of stop-motion photography seems so primitive yet is so complex; I think that this is one of the reason it intrigues me.
I have never created a stop-motion photography piece but I would really like to sometime soon. I think I have been discouraged because I don’t think I could possible think of anything as creative as I have seen from PES or any of the other artists that I have discussed previously. PES is so entertaining and in many of there short films they use a lot of humor and sarcasm. PES’s films are unlike any others and are such a pleasure to watch. Stop-motion photography is such a unique art.
The Edsel Ford Mansion
Edsel Ford was the son of Henry Ford and was a big part of the company. He designed the highly renowned Lincoln Continental. Him and his wife Elinore had an deep appreciation for art which was highly evident from the tour of their home. When they built their 30,000 square foot home, they wanted to ensure that they could make their home a place to display and collect fine art. Nearly every room in the mansion had historical pieces of fine art from a variety of artist from all different times.
The house itself was modeled after English architecture and styles. Many of the rooms were completely shipped in from Europe with elaborately engraved wooden walls. Every element in the mansion reflects a particular time period and it is filled with treasures from all eras. The Fords had a lot of famous original paintings throughout the house. They had furniture from the thirteenth century and stained glass from the fourteenth. It was remarkable to see the collection of invaluable treasures that one family had.
When learning about the Ford family I was really able to see what wonderful people they were. They were a huge contributor to the Detroit Institute of Arts and other museums throughout the country. They were especially interested in sharing the importance of the arts with the underprivileged and had many organizations to do so. Eleanor made certain that their entire mansion was preserved and kept as a museum to share their art and influence on the future generations. The Fords wanted art to influence and enrich the lives of all.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Vitruvian Man

The Vitruvain Man is one of my favorite works done by Leonardo DaVinci. It’s beautiful renderings and calligraphic texts make this work one of a kind. DaVinci has created many beautiful paintings, yet I enjoy the sketches from his workbooks more. Only through Davinci’s sketches and notes can one get a sense of what a true genius he truly was. He was a very brilliantly scientific artist.
This drawing was named after a famous architect of the Renaissance. This is fitting because the drawing relates to the architecture of the human form. In this drawing, DaVinci studies the proportions of the human body. He shows the proportions of the body and how they relate to shapes such as the square and circle. He also demonstrates the proportions of the different body parts in relation to others.
Though this work of Davinci’s is just from his sketchbook, I consider it a beautiful piece of art. I particularly like the wispiness of the lines in the drawing. The lines of the body of the man are reflected in the body of text that surrounds the image. This text in the work are merely DaVinci’s hand-written notes but posses an organic and graceful quality. I think that the image and the text surrounding it make a complete and beautiful composition.
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Warning this site may cause seizers! This website is most unusual. It is very colorful and bright in a way that looks over the top and tacky. This is what first thought until I started looking into who M.I.A. really is and what she represents. She is a very interesting, multitalented artist with a lot to say.
Tony Vs. Paul
I think that Tony Vs. Paul is an incredibly imaginative stop-motion video. The unnatural movements of the characters created by the stop-motion photography are so interesting to watch. It is mind boggling to think of the technical difficulty that was required to produce this video. I think that this short film is very well done.
The story of Tony vs. Paul is bout a fight between two friends. In the beginning of the video, it shows Paul writing a letter to Tony telling him that he is a jerk. The funny thing is that He points to the paper and the words just appear on the paper, he points to an envelope, which the paper slides into and the envelope is closed and slides out of the door without a single touch. They show the envelope traveling through the city and into Tony's house. The video continues with a fight between the two characters that involves many interesting Matrix-like moves and unnatural gliding and sliding across the landscape. This comical fight ends with a hand truce and handshake and the two men glide off into the sunset.
My three-year-old nephew watched this video with me. It was so fun to see the video through a child’s eyes. He was not able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. He watched the video in amazement and insisted on watching it over and over again. He then tried tirelessly to recreate the fighting moves of the video. He asked over and over “how they do that?”
This video reminds me of the imagination of a child. It seems like all little boys dream of flying through the air like a super hero and fighting bad guys. The character’s ninja-like movements are very representative of little boy’s imaginative thoughts. It is obvious that the creators of this video had so much fun making this. It is obvious that little boys never really grow up. It is very refreshing to see grown men having so much fun and tapping into their inner child.
Art and My Life
Art engrosses all of my life. It is a part of everything that I do and am. I tend to see the beauty in everything and am inspired by so much around me. In this world of ugliness and dread, there is so much life and beauty. I love the endless possibilities of art and creativity in my life.
Monday, February 8, 2010
What Inspires Me in Art?
I get inspiration for my art from everything around me. There is so much in nature and in the art world that continuously influence me. I carry a notepad with me in my purse everywhere I go so that I can jot down ideas at a moments notice. If I don’t write things down right away, I will most likely forget them. I think you should use anything and everything to inspire you.
Fun with a Scanner is a very interesting website that I find myself continually going back to, to look at the compositions posted. This website is an on going project that encourages anyone to contribute to. At my last inquiry, there were 232 contributions to the site. The site asks people to empty their pockets onto a scanner and create a composition with the items that they carry on them. The end results are very interesting.
I think that the items a person carry on them can really say a lot about a person. You can really get a feel for what a person is like by looking at the things from their pockets. I like that in many of the submissions, the artists have carefully laid out a composition. The placement of the objects on the scanner were carefully thought out and many of the artists are interacting with their belongings.
I think that the things in a person’s pocket create an environmental portrait of that person. In an environmental portrait, a person uses an environment and objects within an environment to portray who they are. The things in the environmental portrait are very telling of their lives. Many environmental portraits use metaphors.
In the submissions on this website, one can really tell what a person is like by what is in their pockets. One can tell if a person is simple and carefree if they do not carry a lot of stuff on them. In many of the submissions, people have an overwhelming amount of things in their pockets. I think this is more telling of what these people are like, complicated and busy. Many of the submissions include photos of loved ones and most include a cell phone and money of some sort. It is all very interesting and telling of the times.